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Beach Clean Up 2022

Giving back to the community

Beach Clean Up 2022

Grant Thornton Bonaire’s Participation in a Beach Clean-Up

We are proud to share that Grant Thornton Bonaire recently participated in a beach clean-up event, taking a proactive stance towards preserving our environment and engaging in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The event was held at Te Amo Beach, where we joined forces with Clean Coast Bonaire to make a positive impact on our coastal ecosystems.

Our decision to collaborate with Clean Coast Bonaire was rooted in their comprehensive approach to beach clean-ups. Clean Coast Bonaire goes beyond simply cleaning the beaches; they actively collect data and monitor marine littering, contributing to valuable research and informed decision-making.

The timing of our participation in the beach clean-up event was aligned with World Clean Up day, a global initiative aimed at inspiring individuals and organizations to take action against litter and waste. By joining forces with Clean Coast Bonaire and participating in this event, we demonstrated our dedication to making a tangible difference and creating a cleaner, healthier environment for all.

At Grant Thornton Bonaire, we are committed to promoting sustainability and taking proactive steps to protect our natural resources. Through initiatives like the beach clean-up, we contribute to the well-being of our community, preserve the beauty of our coastlines, and inspire others to join us in our pursuit of a cleaner, greener future.

Together, let us continue to make a positive impact and create a legacy of environmental responsibility.

